Salted Caramel Vanilla Bean Sauce, from Carla

* 1 1/2 cups sugar
* 1/3 cup water
* 1 1/4 cups heavy cream (used 2 cups by accident, oops.)
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 1 vanilla bean, sliced and seeded
* 1 teaspoon sea salt

1. Slice a vanilla bean in half. Using the back of the knife, scrape the seeds from the pod.
2. Pour the cream into a measuring cup and add the vanilla bean scrapings, and sea salt. Set aside.
3. Put the sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring the sugar to a boil. Let the sugar cook (do not stir using a spoon, at most, you may swirl the pan to avoid hot spots) until it reaches a deep amber color.
4. Whisk in the cream mixture. It will bubble and go nuts, but keep whisking. It will come together.
5. Pour into a jar and keep in the fridge. The sauce will thicken, but it is more of a loose sauce.
6. This will keep for about a week in the fridge.
